MCU Complaint Policy
Informal Complaints
MCU uses the models outlined in Crucial Conversations, Crucial Accountability, and The Outward Mindset in first seeking collaborative solutions between individuals and in guiding open dialogue around policies, processes, and structures. If a direct conversation does not work, a student, staff, or faculty member may choose to fill out the Concern and Resolution form. Resolution of a complaint is usually through discussion but may include mediation in some instances.
Formal Grievance
A grievance is a situation that must be investigated according to formal processes. This may be a complaint that was not resolved through informal processes or situations in which disciplinary action against faculty, preceptors, staff or students may be an outcome of the investigation.
Person(s) wishing to initiate a formal grievance will submit the grievance via the MCU Grievance Reporting form which is received by the Compliance Director. If the grievance involves the President, the grievance will be submitted to the MCU Board President. If the grievance is determined to fall within the scope of the Midwives College of Utah, the Compliance Director will convene a Grievance Committee who will follow the procedures outlined in the MCU’s Grievance Policy. The VP of Student Success and Institutional Equity will chair the assembled committee. The Policy allows for a fair, complete, and unbiased investigation and assures appropriate action is taken. No discrimination or harassment of any of the involved parties will be tolerated. Confidentiality of the proceedings and all involved parties will be maintained throughout the entire process.
MCU is committed to resolving all grievances by due process in a timely manner; as such, the grievance will be addressed within four weeks, and the Grievance Committee will make a final recommendation whenever possible within six weeks of submission. If a final recommendation cannot reasonably be determined by the committee within six weeks of submission, the Compliance Director will inform the student as to why and provide an updated deadline. The Compliance Director has the authority to grant or deny the assigned grievance committee an extension. Complaints and resolutions will be logged in MCU’s Formal Complaint File and will be maintained for seven years.
Grievances should be fact-based and supported by dates, times, locations, occurrences, etc.
MCU cannot ensure total confidentiality in its investigation of grievances filed under this procedure. However, MCU makes every reasonable effort to conduct investigations and related proceedings in a manner that respects the privacy of all parties. In each situation, information is only shared with those who need to know about it in order to investigate and resolve the problem. All participants in an investigation will be advised that they should keep the grievance and the investigation confidential.
Q. Who may file a complaint or grievance with MCU?
The following may file a complaint or grievance:
- Faculty and Field Faculty (Preceptors)
- Staff Members
- Administration or any employee not directly specified here
- Applicants for employment
- Students
- Applicants for admission
- Recipients of College services including visitors to events (e.g., conference attendees)
- The President based on information received may also open a complaint or grievance at their discretion or at the request of the Deans or Directors with permission of the target
Q. How do I file a complaint or a grievance?
A complaint or concern should be filed by filling out the MCU Concern and Resolution form.
A grievance should be filed by filling out the MCU Grievance form.
Consumer Complaints
In the event that an issue with the school cannot be resolved through the processes noted above, the person has the right to contact MCU’s accrediting agency—The Midwifery Education and Accreditation Council (MEAC).
MEAC will review in a timely, fair and equitable manner any complaint it receives against an accredited institution or program that is related to MEAC standards or procedures. Contact information for MEAC can be found at
Complaints against the College relating to fraud, false advertising or other deceptive practices can be filed with the Utah Division of Consumer Protection:
Department of Commerce, Division of Consumer Protection
Phone: 801-530-6001
Because Midwives College of Utah is a distance education program and a member of NC-SARA, consumer protection provisions require the institution’s home state, through its SARA State Portal Entity, to investigate and resolve allegations of dishonest or fraudulent activity by the state’s SARA-participating institutions, including the provision of false or misleading information. The student should begin the complaint process with the institution and if resolution is not found, the student would contact:
Cynthia “Cyd” Grua
Office of the Commissioner for Higher Education
Utah System of Higher Education – Board of Regents Building, The Gateway
60 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84101