Consumer Information

General Institutional Information

Contact Information For Obtaining Financial Aid

FERPA Notice

Non-Discrimination Policies and Students with Disabilities

Price of Attendance

Refund Policy and Requirements for Withdrawal and Return of Federal Financial Aid

Educational Programs


Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements

Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution

Copyright Infringement, Computer Use and File Sharing

Career and Job Placement Services

Student Financial Assistance

Assistance Available from Federal, State, Local and Institutional Programs

Student Loan Information

Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations

Health and Safety

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Title IX Policy

Clery Act Annual Security Report for 2023

Clery Act Annual Security Report for 2022-2023

Clery Act Annual Security Report for 2021-2022

Clery Act Annual Security Report for 2020-2021

Clery Act Annual Security Report for 2019-2020

Clery Act Annual Security Report for 2018-2019

Student Outcomes

Graduation Rates (Student Right-To-Know Act): In compliance with Section 485 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act (P.L. 101-542) and the Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1991 (P.L. 102-26), MCU annually publishes graduation rates. MCU is required to provide this information to students upon request. To request a copy of our graduation rates, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.

Gainful Employment: We do not have a gainful employment program because upon graduation, through our learning objectives in our required curriculum, students are taught and evaluated in the skills required to become autonomous midwifery primary care-providers for normal physiological birth. As a non-profit private institution, our degree programs are not GE Programs (see Electronic Announcement 53 for more information) and therefore not subject to GE requirements.

Job Placement

Professional Licensure Disclosure

Measures of Student Achievement

Voter Registration

National Voter Registration Form