Save lives one birth at a time

The U.S. has the highest rate of mothers dying in pregnancy, childbirth, and within one year of giving birth than any other industrialized country.

Racial Disparities

Racial and ethnic, geographic, and age disparities are especially concerning: Pregnancy-related mortality for Black and American Indian and Alaska Native women is two to three times higher than for white, Hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander women.

Maternity Care Deserts

In 2020, ACOG published a report stating that approximately half of ALL U.S. counties ā€“ which represents over 10 million women – do not have access to OB/GYNs. This has created what the March of Dimes has termed ā€œMaternity care desertsā€; locations where childbearing families either have limited or noĀ access to maternity care.


Childbirth is the most common reason for hospitalization in the US (pre-COVID). The costs and burdens on the system… so many people are uninsured… etc Many regions experience shortages in obstetrical medical providers due to low Medicaid reimbursements and higher workloads.

Respect and Self Determination

Quotes from students about autonomy and choice, etc.Ā 

Preventable deaths in the US each year

Pregnancy-related deaths by time of death relative to the end of pregnancy

More than 50% of maternal deaths occur afterĀ 

Million women in the US without access to maternity care


Our Community

Nearly 70% of MCU graduates are serving in Medically Underserved Communities (MUCs).


Our Mission

“The evidence demonstrates that the potential impact midwives with the full scope of ICM competencies would be aĀ rapid and sustained reduction in maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity.” -World Health Organization


Our Values

Midwives College of Utah is committed to saving lives one birth at a time.Ā The MCU curriculum is firmly grounded in the unique and profound power of the Midwives Model of Careā„¢ as a primary pathway for improving outcomes and eliminating inequities for pregnant persons and their babies during the childbearing year.

Midwives are the answer

Practical and realĀ solutions for US healthcare problems!

Reduction in maternal and infant mortality

In the U.S., maternal morbidity and mortality have increased over the last several decades. However, the World Health Organization and several systematic reviews have found that midwifery-led care for low risk pregnancies as a method to lower maternal mortality and morbidity and reduce stillbirths and preterm births is evidence-based11Ā 


comparable or preferable to physician-led care

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends midwives as an evidence-based approach to reducing maternal mortality.10Ā Several systematic reviews have found that midwifery-led care for women with healthy pregnancies is comparable or preferable to physician-led care in terms of:

  • Maternal (mother) and neonatal (baby) outcomes, including lower maternal mortality and morbidity and reduced stillbirths and preterm births.
Fewer Medical Interventions

The use of obstetric procedures, including labor induction and cesarean delivery, has also increased, beyond levels that are generally considered medically necessary.

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Our Students

“I run a nonprofit, Montana Birth smthn, serving 5 or 6 counties that provides free doula services to people on Medicaid, survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, and for our LGBT community…”

Treasura Chadwick


Donec nec justo eget felis facilisis fermentum. Aliquam porttitor mauris sit amet orci. Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis.

Name <em>Surname</em>


Donec nec justo eget felis facilisis fermentum. Aliquam porttitor mauris sit amet orci. Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis.

Terri LJ

Future Midwife

Donec nec justo eget felis facilisis fermentum. Aliquam porttitor mauris sit amet orci. Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis.

Lee H

Future Midwife

Committed to saving lives, one birth at a time


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“Nowhere to Go: Maternity Care DesertsĀ Across the U.S.”, 2018